Hírlevél 3
3. Newsletter of Fostering Economic Development of the City of Osijek and County of Zala Through Trade Development and Investment Promotion – with a Special Focus on Renewable Energy and Environment Sector (FEDREE), HUHR/1001/2.1.1/0006 project
This is the third newsletter of FEDREE project with the amount of approximately 200.000 EUR which project is supported under the Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 within the second call. This third newsletter introduces the second and third event of Association for Sustainable Development
The Business opportunities to entrepreneurs on the field of renewable energy conference with seminar and matchmaking in the Green Energy Centre, Nagykanizsa (organized by Association for Sustainable Development)
The project partner of FEDREE, City of Nagykanizsa held on its second event on 26.04.2012 at 09.00 a.m. in Nagykanizsa, in the education room of Green Energy Centre, Bajcsy-Zs. str. 106/A.
Dr. Ramón Ivelics Phd., who is the research and development director of the Association for Sustainable Development, has given the welcome greetings and a little presentation about the applications of the association to the audience. After that, Zoltán Burján, technical manager of Association for Sustainable Development, who has introduced the renewable energy sources of Hungary, the solid biomass productions, the boilers for solid biomass and the renewable energy based services.
Before the lunch, there were B2B, in which the participants could find partners on the field of renewable energy and environmental technologies.
After the B2B meeting, the participants could see the biomass based agricultural production in the Farkas Horticulture, where the green houses were tempered by pellet-based boilers.
After the lunch, we gave the opportunity to the participants to show them the renewable energies in use. The audience was very interested in this afternoon program because they could see and they could touch the boilers, the solar collectors or the pellet pressing machines. They were in the heating centre of Miklósfa, where was a pellet based boiler. After that the audience can see a pellet industry in Belezna. We were in the Zemplén street in Nagykanizsa in which we could see a solar collector based house.
The study trip with matchmaking on the field of the utilization of renewable energies (organized by Association for sustainable Development)
The study trip started from Hungary: Green Energy Centre, 106/A Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Street, 8800-Nagykanizsa and from Croatia: City Government, Franje Kuhača 9, 31000 Osijek, because we organized it to the participants from the both side of cross border area.
The first meeting point was Kaposvár, the Centre of Magyar Cukor Zrt. (Hungarian Sugar Company), (Kaposvár, Pécsi u. 10-13.), where we visited the energy production based on biogas (Contact: Szendefy Judit: +36 82-505-398, +36 30-8562229). Here the participants could see all over the biogas production which was based on agricultural by-products. This sugar production is the second one in Europe where the energy production was produce from biogas.
The lunch and matchmaking were at Botykapeterd, in Pálma Restaurant, where the participants could make cooperation between each other.
After the matchmaking, the study trip was continued in the City Government of Szentlőrinc, Ceremonial Hall (Szentlőrinc Templom tér 8.), where the mayor of the city gave us a presentation about the Hungarian geothermal production. We could see the new hospital where the heating and cooling made by soil-collectors. The participants could see the geothermal district heating, which system produce heat for 900 flats. (Contact: Dr. Győrvári Márk, Mayor, titkarsag@szentlorinc.hu, +36 30-520-7117)
At 16.00 near Szentlőrinc and Királyegyháza, Homan János the collague of RKV Pécs Bt. could show us a short rotation woody crop plantation, where we could see 2-year old poplar plantation which was 5-7 m high. With this element, the professional work was closed.
The participants were arrived to Nagykanizsa at around 19.00 and to Osijek at around 19.00.